January 11, February 8, March 8, and April 12 the members of Central Missouri Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter met at Broadway Brewery, 816 E. Broadway, Columbia, Missouri from 5-7 pm. At the most recent meeting on Wednesday April 12 seven members from the Associated Chapter at the University of Missouri were also in attendance. Consul Tyler Thomas reported that there are currently 31 members in the Associated Chapter. They are looking to recruit about 25 more members by Fall 2023. They will be organizing Derby Days activities on the campus. On May 1 they will be meeting with alumni at Tate Hall.
Congratulations to Ben Trachtenberg, Yale ’01 on his selection to the 2023 class of the Order of Constantine. Ben will be inducted at the Grand Chapter to be held in Toronto from June 22-25, 2023.
The next scheduled meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 10
Westminster (Delta Tau) Installation
March 7, 2025
Westminster College